Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Scavenger Hunt

Scavenger Hunt
December 3, 2014

      Here are my two videos of the scavenger hunt pictures. Enjoy!

         The first website that I used to make the video above was called Animoto. The second website that I used was called Photo Show.
          Animoto was a very easy website to use. It wasn't complicated at all, and it was very simple to use the embed code to insert into my blog. Photo Show, however, was a little bit more difficult. They also didn't have a lot of options for my slide style, music, etc. You also were not able to use an embed code to put on your blog, you have to use the link, which is linked above.
          The quality, and style of the videos are very different.  Animoto, had beautiful backgrounds for the videos, and many more options. The quality was very good with cool effects with the leaves. Using Photoshow, The quality was, compared to Animoto at least, was not very well. You didn't have very many options to choose from on the website from music, and backgrounds.
         In conclusion, I personally think the quality and  style of Animoto was very pretty and good. And in the future, I would prefer using Animoto compared to Photoshow.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

November 20, 2014

      I actually know a lot about photography. I took three classes of photography in my life, I have taken pictures at a wedding ceremony, and I was in this class in the 7th grade. I usually take photos with my phone, but when I'm trying to be more professional, i use a camera. I always edit my photos when i'm posting on social media, but not all the time. I mostly use apps, but if it's not something that i'm gonna post on social media, then i will use my laptop. And, i enjoy photography.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

The Ebola Virus Info graphic
19 November, 2014

My info graphic is about the Ebola Virus. I chose this topic because it is a very important issue in the world right now. The website I used to create my info graphic was called

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Post 2

Blog Post of the Day:
Thursday, October 9
What are your favorite apps on your phone or tablet? Why?

My favorite apps that are on my phone are Spotify, Snapchat, Vine, and Candy Crush. These are some of my favorite apps on my phone because...

Spotify- Its a great app to listen to tons of music, and you can end up downloading it onto your music library. It also has almost every single song in the world.
Snapchat- This app is a really fun and entertaining app to send fun pictures to your friends.
Vine-Vine is a mobile app owned by Twitter that enables its users to create and post short video clips.I like this app a lot because its fun to watch other peoples vines especially the funny ones.
Candy Crush- This game is a very addicting and fun game that I like to play a lot.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Post 1

Tuesday, October8
         This weekend I went to Worlds Of Fun. We went there because, number one, it is October, so they do a Halloween thing where they have a whole bunch of haunted houses and what not.
         My favorite part about Kansas City is the fact that we have such an active community. Like you would see dozens of people jogging or playing outside all the time.
        I don't really have a favorite place in the city, but a place that I like to go to a lot is Worlds Of Fun.


        A blog is a regularly updated website or web page, typically run by an individual or small group, that is written in an informal or conversational style.
           -           rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&channel=sb

When people blog, they usually post things about their day, or certain topics like hobbies and what

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